The fun part of building a game is the walk down memory lane as we talk about the games that inspired us. This week’s bit of nostalgia is one you may not have played - it’s a classic, but perhaps not quite super popular.
Reads #
- Are you an Accidental Diminisher?: Loved this post by a former colleague. I’ve definitely been guilty of a few of these early in my career.
- What happened when we disabled Google AMP at Tribune Publishing? Shockingly little. So you should try it, too: AMP was a bad idea from the beginning. I hated it, hated having to implement it for my day job, and always disable it. I even have an app installed whose sole purpose is to rewrite AMP links so I never visit them on my phone.
- Unimaginable heat in China (twitter thread): Shanghai skyscrapers dimmed their lights overnight this past week to help conserve power. I fear that stories like this will become more common.
Watches & Listens #
- The Rise & Fall of Syndicate (The Bullfrog Game, Not That YouTuber Guy): This game came up during a game design session this week. I LOVED this game so much. I remember vividly playing this for hours, not sure if it was on my Apple //c or on my first x86 box (can’t remember). This is a really great overview of the game. It was on sale on GOG for $1.75, so of course I downloaded it. If you just want to see the gameplay, that’s on YouTube as well.
Code & Tools #
- A neat little backup tool. Starting with the Google suite is an interesting choice… since I think Google Drive might have that covered (maybe?). Notion support, though, would be a godsend right now.
Cool Projects #
- Viral Post Generator: Funny little app that MadLibs a perfect LinkedIn post. I LOL’ed.
- Face Tracking Terminator Skull: Loved the comment thread on this one - lots of Skynet jokes mixed with a few really good suggestions for improvements.